We left you in August visiting family and Friends. Since then, life has given us some choices...we could head from Virginia to the Bahammas in September like some sailors we met or take the inter coastal again to Florida and spend most of the winter in the Keys...and cross for the Bahamas in April with some wonderful friends for a couple of months...or we could help our 21 year old son, Aaron, get back on track and back in college and go back to work full time to make a cruising kitty that will give us more freedom. Guess by the title you now realize what choice we made.
With in a few weeks we found a job (it was between starting our own place or working together at Jon's place of employment of 35 years-they won), found an apartment in Utica, went to New Jersey for our friends wedding, drove to Virginia to put Quicksilver on the hard, winterized her and prepared her for shipping, bought furniture (TV, dishes, pots, sheets) and moved ourselves and son in.
Every day we second guess our choice, especially after one of those ten hour work days. We are enjoying being close to our family and our friends. We love exploring all that living in central New York can offer. So, for a while this blog might be some of those adventures...This weekend it's back up to the Adirondack Mountains for fall foliage..I know there is some hockey in our future and snow shoeing..
feel free to comment and leave us suggestions for adventures close by.
Quicksilver all ready for bottom paint and shipping.
Our son, Aaron and our niece, Grace.

I wonder why we were a little slow!

And why our knot meter wasn't working

Mast and rigging secure...love zip ties.

The new apartment

October 3rd view
Grace and I on her first day back to school

Chittenango Falls in Chittenango, NY

Old fashion Italian Feast in Utica

A visit to Henderson Harbor on Lake Ontario.

Jon and I after work..homemade pizza