This was our spot in Fair Haven at Fair Point Marina.
One of our visitors on the dock liked our fender.The turkey vultures are amazing....they scrounge the beach....but they graceful when they fly.
Notice the waves, this was why we couldn't leave. Sailboats do not like to travel with their mast down and on their deck.

From Fain Haven to Oswego. Mast is down so we had to wait until the waves were 2 feet or less.
You can see how we traveled down the canal past Fulton, Phoenix to Brewerton on the next day. All our traveling friends would like to know that the canal hours are 8 am to 6 pm...except Phoenix and Brewerton stays open later...10 pm. (told you Leech)
Our friends Arlene and Jon met us in Brewerton with KFC and Corona's. Had so much fun talking about our future and the Bahama's.
Crossing Oneida Lake was perfect..nice flat water as there was barely 5 mph winds.
Had a lot of fun at Sylvan Beach. Picked up my niece, Grace for the night. We had dinner at Harpoon Eddies and Grace and I went on the roller coaster that is older that both of us together. I was scared out of my wits. She had a blast. Our friends Sharon, Bob and their daughter Emily came with us and treated us to rides...

The two men that taught Jon a lot....thanks Tom and Vinny! Also gave him a great retirement bash!....too bad he is the only one of the three retired.....come on time to enjoy life!
what's gonna happen at work with no Jon boy!
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