This is the last of the 22 bridges we did... That boat was huge and wasn't sure if he could make it through with just one bridge side up. 
The intercostal in southern Florida had a different feel. Tedious, Jon would say. Probably a few other words like time sucking, exasperating and exhausting. Ever bridge has it's own schedule like only on the hour or half hour or only quarter after or quarter before the hour or only twenty after or twenty before the hour. If you missed one opening your doomed...which we did ofcourse ( I miss read the bridge table that gave the mileage and so Jon slowed down and we missed it...what? could happen to anyone). It also was a holiday. All the nice people of the world were out celebrating Martin Luther King Jr's Day, just not on the intercostal. A man that was towing a rather large catamaran asked the bridge tender if all the locals were red necks because they were passing him under the bridge at about 40 miles per hour. She said probably and the pedestrians were not much better, when she announces the bridge will be opening they run toward the bridge instead of waiting. Like I said a different feel. Even the houses were grander with huge boats in front of them. But.. We survived to make Ft Lauderdale by 4:00 and grabbed a city mooring ball. The big payoff is that the beach is only three blocks away and it's a beautiful 75 degrees. But next time we'll consider going on the outside(what sailors call going on the Atlantic instead of the intercoastal) when visiting south Floridia. 
One of the houses that I had time to take
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