We had visitors,some I forgot to take pictures of. First, let me tell you that we're still in Coconut Grove, Miami. We have been enjoying sitting somewhere warm for more than a few nights. It has been in the 80's since we've got here. Today is cooler as we had an amazing light show of lightening with thunder, rain and gust up to 40mph....a cold front. (58 this morning, 71 for the high) it will be back in th 80's by weekend. Anyway, we had visitors. One was Freddie, a diver, who changed our zinc for us. Those that don't know, the zinc is a sacrificial piece that attaches to the shaft near your propeller. It's to appease the corrosion gods....don't ask me how it works but apparently, it will attract the corrosion and leave the other metals alone. Freddie was great, he even cleaned off the keel-cool plate for the refrigeration.
We also met some friends of Jon and Arlene's, Sue and Mike (Mike is pronounced Mick) from the UK. Actually, Wales--the north not to be mistaken for the South Wales. Apparently there is a big difference and they spent some time on our last name Edwards, saying "might be the north..wouldn't it..maybe the south..probably the north." So much fun, loved their accent and the way they repeat some things or reasure it by saying something like "it would have to be, wouldn't it now." Or "that's what it was,wasn't it now". They were on their way back to leave their trawler, Jenny, in Indiantown. Then they are back to North Wales for a few months, then over to Turkey to sail on their Sailboat. So interesting, hope we see them next year.
Our favorite visitors were our children, Sara and Aaron. They stayed with us for two weeks and we had such a good visit. We took a short trip to No Name Harbor(we have decided to rename it No-see-ums Harbor) at the Bill Bags State Park. It was a beautiful harbor full of mangroves and palm trees. Unfortunately we returned from the beautiful beach at dusk and got totally eaten up by no-see-ums ( some call them knats or punkies, we had a few other names as well). The following day we went for a wonderful sail (yes, I said sail, first time no motor at all since the coast of New Jersey.). We had such an great time. We were so excited to see about five or six dolphin swimming along side us. We all we laughing and oohing and awwing as they jumped, twirled and swam around the boat. Sara got some great pictures and a video I posted on Facebook. Truely, it was the highlight of their visit. The rest of the time we hung around, played cards and swam. Their cousin, Ben, came to see them with his girlfriend, Ashley, and friend, Markin. We had so much fun that our cheeks were tired from smiling and laughing.
Well we've got you up to date. We will probably stay here for little over a week and then head down toward the Keys. Our friends Darrel and Ruth are here and may go with us. Until then, we love you and miss all of you that we have left behind. Maybe it's time for you to come and visit.... It's warm!
The skyline of Miami towards south beach.
The lighthouse at Bill Bags state park
The beach at Bill Bags Sate Park.
Our adventure with dolphins

Just amazing...they looked right at us.

Another picture of little manny at the dingy dock. He is eating the algae. Just a baby.
Swimming off our mooring in Biscayne Bay. Markin, Sara, Aaron, Ashley and Ben.
P.S, some little repair and add ons that I didn't mention. Jon had to replace the oil sending unit as it was leaking. After two weeks of humid hot weather (and our kids complaining) Jon put on the two fans we have been carrying since we left in August(after kids left). Also lubricated the bearings in the steering pedestal and added a stearn light on the dingy. Oh yeah, he had to replace lens on Quicksilver's stearn light as I knocked it off with my foot. (Oops)
Fan in the galley/salon. The other is in the bedroom...pointed directly on me.
Stearn light on dingy.
You know, the more I think about your adventure the less jealous I get. Well, let me explain. How could I possibly be jealous? You guys have 'mad sailing skills' and what a team you make together. On the other hand, I have trouble navigating my rubber ducky in the bathtub! Once I tried to repair his beak with silicone...the results were negligible at best. So for me, it is a yacht with a captain and small crew or it is nothing, period, end of discussion.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute, am I really confessing that I was in a bathtub with a male duck (possibly under age?)
HOLY DONALD DUCK-A-PHOBIA.! And just exactly how did his nose get broken?