Sunset at Rodriquez Key, Florida
After waiting out the storm safe and sound at our mooring at Dinner Key, (Coconut Grove-Miami) Jon and I headed to No Name Harbor on Sunday. We decided to stay just outside the harbor as last time we were there the no-see-ums about ate us up. Besides, there was about 50 boats inside the harbor for a concert. Couldn't find out who it was, but we heard great Latin music all night. A lot of ballads towards the end...warm night...beautiful stars...perfect. Anyway, we left Monday mornng at 8:30am and headed south towards Rodriquez Key. It's west of Key Largo about a mile or so. We sailed (with the aid of our motor) through the Hawk Channel. The Hawk Channel follows the coast (sailors don't call it the outside because their is a
lot of reefs between us and the Atlantic. The winds were light but we made the 49 miles by 4 pm. We dropped our anchor between Key Largo and Rodriquez Key,
Florida. The water all the way down was beautiful and the anchorage was no exception. We could watch our anchor set in 9 feet of water. I remarked to Jon that it's to bad we don't have an extra swim ladder ( ours is blocked by the dingy when we have it on the dingy davettes). After dinner something caught my eye and I looked in the water and we saw three nurse sharks swim by. Guess I didn't want to swim after all. We saw about six more swim by after the sun went down. Very cool to see them that close....but then again...they are that close. I've heard they won't come near you or hurt you, but I'm not sure I'll take the chance. We are off already, heading towards Boot Key (Marathon,
Florida). What adventures lay ahead ....
to be continued....
Cold front coming through on Friday. They had a tornado warning and predictions of gusts of up to 50 mph. We saw a steady 20 with gusts to about 30mph.
Sailing over the two miles to No Name Harbor.
Outside No Name Harbor...notice our Spiritual Guide...Mr Crane
Light winds ad beautiful water
Our anchor chain to 8 feet water
The first 30 years were tough, the last five....piece of cake!
Sunset at Rodriquez Key
And here's sunrise
Rodriquez Key in foreground, Key Largo in the background

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