How lucky are we to have such nice friends to let us hitch a ride with them from Deltaville, VA to Courtland, NY. Yep, Arlene and Jon went more than two hours out of their way to give us a ride to NY. It was nice to catch up with them and their plans for their travels on Kasidah (36ft Ericson sailboat) and their work (Jae Bee Elelectric and Marine) to make that happen. It keeps us grounded and wondering how we will maintain this life style.
After spending a couple of days in Utica enjoying our family there (especially our son Aaron ) and getting our old van on the road for traveling, we headed to NYC to spend time with our daughter, Sara. Of course the van was loaded completely with a lot of the things she left behind when she first moved. The first week we spent helping with cleaning and little maintaince jobs in her new apartment. It is such a great place and so much fun to be in the big city. On our time off from our chores she took us to several really nice parks and even a dinner cruise on the Hudson River off Manhattan.
Sara does we divided our time with our friends Kelley and Lynda in Linden, NJ. (Just an hour away). We stayed a couple days and went back for the weekends with Sara, then back to Kelley and Lynda's. I almost named this blog, We Work For Shelter because at the girls' home we helped them with their chores and spending time at their camp cleaning and yard work. The difference from Sara's was their super delux hot tub that Jon and I used every day with a nice cold beer or Corona-Rita. Ahhhh! Not to bad if a gig if you can get it.
We left this morning from Sara's apartment with the promise of seeing each other at the end if August for Kelley and Lynda's wedding. 22 years in the making, I might have to devote a blog to it. Sara is the photographer and we will see loved ones we haven't seen in a few years. Can't wait. Now we're off to a totally different world in the Adirondack Mountains to see my very bestest-est friend and her mountain man husband. We'll keep you posted.
Great friends, Jon and Arlene Libby at our boat in Deltaville, VA.

On our way to NY, temp in VA

Jon helps his friend Tommy a little bit at his x-job after he works on our van.

Our son, Aaron.

Birthday party for Jon's brother Bob

Small view of Catskills on way to NYC

Mister Softee in NYC. This was in Brooklyn when went to a flee market

World's Fairgound in Flushing, NY

Interesting structure. Worlds Fair pavilion

Sara, Jon and I. We got caught in the rain.

Sunset in the City as we are on our dinner cruise.

Jon and Sara (our daughter)

Moored in Manhattan

Let's go to New Jersey

Lynda and Kelley setting up our Corona-Rita's Yum

Kelley at their camp

Jon taking a break

Let's go back to NYC

Park near Sara's apartment on the East River
Freedom tower...the tallest building..replacing World Trade Center
Jon on ferry with Statue of Liberty in background