We pulled into a slip (dock) at the Marina for several reasons...first most.. Arthur is coming. We watched the weather anxiously to see Arthur's predicted path. The Dockmaster, Ed said since we'd had a named hurricane and we'd be leaving in a week or so perhaps we needed to speak to the boatyard about getting our boat the the emergency pull list. Apparently, ever so often a hurricane will head into the Chesapeake and they pull all the boats out of the water. OK!! So we did, and stripped the head sail and staysail off for good measure. Deflated the dingy and stored it. Thank goodness Arthur swung out into the Atlantic missing the Chesapeake as expected. We had about 30 knot winds and a good heavy rain. By 10 am the following day we had beautiful blue skies and 15 knot winds. We called Ladd on the boat Blue who us anchored off Martha's Vinyard to see if he was ready and he said he had put out extra chain and was ready. Denise had headed for land and he was left to man the storm on his own. (Or stubborn enough to stay on his own). We talk to him at 11pm on July 3rd and he had just put on another pot of coffee, winds we coming in about 30 knots and the major part of the hurricane was expected by 2 am. We received a text at 7am on the fourth that said that the winds hit 50 knots in the night, but it was over and he was going to bed. Another storm weathered.
We have been so lucky to have met some very interesting cruisers in Deltaville. This place seems, for most, a good place to regroup. To refit your boat or pull out and leave it while you go away to visit. First we met Bebe (Belinda) and Randy at the anchorage here. They were on vacation and happen to be traveling with the sister of our boat, a Pearson 365. Their boat was in beautiful condition and they were planning to live aboard within the next few years. We spent the next few days comparing each other's boats and the little extras we each have added. We both came back with a list of must haves. Ours included companion way screen, new facets, and easy custom curtains. Unfortunately theirs was more expensive, new anchor, a better battery charger and solar panels.
Another wonderful couple was Diane and Tony from England. They have both been sailing for 45 years all over including Portugal, Spain, areas in the Mediterranean including Isreal and Egypt. Tony gets a crew for larger crossings like the twice he has crossed the Atlantic Ocean from England to United States. Diane prefers to fly. They were so much fun to get to know and share family stories, traditions and recipes. They both were fun and funny. We really enjoyed their company for the last week and will definitely try to catch up with them in the Bahamas this winter as they sail, Ditonic II. She's a Bavaria 48 ft sailboat.
Bebe and Randy

The baptist had a fishfry and this is a big event in Deltaville I know it was for us


Diane and Randy
Diane , Randy, Jon, Marguerite, Wendy and Graham. We had so much fun hanging around at dinner time. Wendy and Graham have a 42 foot Oyster called Oystermist.
Clarksbury church, they have made me feel so at home. Thanks Janus, Gayle and Polly for the rides and amazing love.
Saw this amazing youth singers-ministers, York River District Youth Choir I posted one of their songs in my Facebook. Check them out, about 50 singers. They moved me to tears.

Mamosa Tree at the church. So beautiful. We used to see these trees in Mobile when we lived there.

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