Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Feeling Naked and Exposed

Feeling naked as we have no canvas at all.  Very exposed!  This is how I found Qicksilver when I returned from Biloxi. Hopefully we'll have our Bimini on Thursday and dodger on Monday. Chris (our canvas man) says it should go fast from there. So we find things to keep ourselves busy. Jon has found about six new projects. One was discovered as he was about to change the engine's oil.  Our raw water pump was leaking and needs to be replaced. So one has to research and find one have it the company was out of gaskets for the pump(how does that happen?) you look for the gasket, order it, ship it and track them both...,now just wait for dry weather as we are naked and exposed in the cockpit.  
        My niece Gindy at her restaurant             Taranto's near Biloxi   
Ok get ready... Whole bunch of selfies with my family in Biloxi, mom and my sister, Georgia
            Dad and I ---we re at beau RiViage

          Me and my sister Mary
        Brenda and I
          Baby sister Lina
        And my brother Joe

So bare, naked and exposed......

Our new Bimini 
One job was to put awAy bathing suits and take out something with sleeves since it's in low 70 s here in Virginia. Nights get as cool as 40s and 50s. 

Was telling my sisters of the space we have for our clothes.  Aaron has one cabinet, Jon has two cabinets and three drawers. I have three cabinets and four drawers.  You learn to fold small and make two deep rows of clothes. I roll all my jeans and pants. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Deltaville, Virginia For Lovers

We arrived in Deltaville, VA on Wednesday October 16. This stop was recommended by our new friends, Denise and Ladd   They also need canvas done and recommended C-2 canvas as they were more reasonable than the places in Florida. We are enjoying the smell of pine trees and the views of the Chesapeake are simply marvelous (trying use other words than beautiful). The nights are getting cold and we keep reminding ourselves of the warmth to come. 

Jon says riding these "granny" bikes are like sailing on land. 

Do you know how hard it is to take a selfy when you're riding a bike?  This is as close as I got.

Visited the Deltaville maritime Museaum and park 

Aaron does a lot of this....

And this....

Jon and I enjoyed a bottle of homemade wine from our friend Ray.  Thanks Ray, perfect with homemade sauce!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Good Bye Annapolis

OK, my Dad is getting upset with me when I don't update our blog. So here goes...(I'll try to keep up)

   One thing we noticed about Annapolis is that they love there dogs. Not only that, they cater to them. Most of the restaurants have outside tables and menus for your pup. The universal hold true here as well
Narrow streets and cool historical buildings. 

  It rained for almost a week. When we weren't trying to kill each other, we tried out the clippers....Aaron first...

Then Jon...
A little off the sides please 
One of the nights it didn't rain at anchor on Back Creek. 
Hanging out in Ego Alley,  where the boat show was. Got some really sweet deals. 
Now one night stay at Solomans Island in front of the Maritime Museaum. This concludes our time on Maryland.  Now to Deltaville, Virginia. It is about 60 miles east of Richmond. We will have our canvas redone and get ready for the intercoastal. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Annapolis, Here We Come

We re in Annapolis.   Got here today, September 29.  We're in the Back Creek. Dingy dock right beside us and about half mile from center of town. Jon loves it and is ready to stay here forever. 

Yeah.  Sigh,  it has lots of sticks in the air, a water taxi, pump out/harbor master boat and hundreds of docks to walk.  Etc,... Etc

We will stay here a couple weeks to see the boat show. Hoping to catch up with some of our Fair Haven friends. 

There were two separate dingy races to maneuver around....not to mention... You guessed it... CRAB POTS....

This is just one view of our little anchorage in Back Creek.   There is every kind of boat you could want to look at here. A dream come true.