So we left St Augustine, Florida on Tuesday, May 6 and it's Sunday, May 10th and Jon and I are listening to wonderful gospel music on the radio. We are at anchorage at mile 568.5 in the Cooper River of South Carolina. By the way, Happy Mother's Day.
We spent the last five days enjoying the absolutely beautiful beaches along the intercostal of Georgia and exhausted ourselves on the treacherous cuts and creeks. They are exhausting because of the depth and tides and currents. Georgia has anywhere from 6 to 8 feet tide and currents over 1.5 knots. Some of the cuts we had to make have only a little above 3 feet at low tide. (They have names like Jeckle Creek and Hells Gate) And it's not the whole creek or cut, it's around this bouy or on northeast side. Let me explain. We have charts on our IPAD that have a program called Active Captain. At trouble spots, cruisers like us, tell you their experience and give you helpful information about how they went through, at what stage of the tide and the depths they saw...all so you won't run aground or worse put a hole in your boat. You will see a small icon on the chart and then when you bring it up you read what other boats have experienced. It is under an account name so you begin to discount or follow some captains helpful hints more than others. We like Captain Bob from Poughkeepsie. Anyway some of the directions might say at the north of the cut, stay heavy to the red side and midway stay close to the green side of southern cut. Sure enough our friends got out of the channel ever so slightly and went a ground at the northern end of the cut. Thank goodness they were able to wiggle themselves off. Not so with another sailboat that was even further in and had to call for a tow. Should have taken a picture but was to nervous and just glad it wasn't us.
Well it's almost time to pick up the anchor so I'll end here with the promise of pics from our little adventures in South Carolina.
Just endless beaches. They are mostly near the inlets of the ocean.

Submarine...I think near Cumberland Sound.

Wid horse on the national refuge of Little Cumberland Island.

Our anchorage on Little Cumberland island.

Following the boat Blue

One of our sunsets at anchor.

Shrimp Boats going out before dark
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