I've been smelling honeysuckles for the past couple of days. That's a sure sign of spring time in the south. I remember living in Mobile, Alabama walking with my little sister, Lina. We would stop at the honeysuckle bushes to pick them and pull apart the flower to taste the sweet nector inside. We thought it was as good as candy. So whenever I smell that now it brings me to those sunny walks with my sister and the things we discovered to and from school. Anyway, it's smell of spring around here and lots of bugs mating. On our way yesterday from St Augustine to St John's River we were bothered by them most of the day. They don't bite. They just bug you. Otherwise it was a beautiful 88 degree day with little to no humidity. Perfect! We anchored up the River a bit at 4pm. Today is Wednesday and we are shooting for an anchorage in Fernandina Beach at mile marker 716.7 or Little Cumberkand Island at mile marker 693.3. It will depend if the tides are with us.
This is where we put the anchor down

Blue across from us at anchorage

Across the St Johns River--our view from our anchorage.

See how the view changed

Low tide the birds love it
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