Monday, September 16, 2013

Oh My My Sail to Cape May

Ok !  We got our weather window!  Saturday, September 14th. Northwest wind 10 to 15 knots all day (or so the report said).  Woke up early and it was still blowing to hard to go, but started making ready anyway.  Made the decision to leave around 11 or 12 noon and sail through the night, past Atlantic City, to Cape May, NJ     

It was a wonder filled day and night of sailing. Instead of 10 to 15 knots, it was blowing 15 to 20 knots. With gusts up to 25.  This helped make good time but was a little hard to steer between the waves and the gusts.  Not to mention the temperature was about 52 degrees..... It got cold.  However it was all made good by the great sail, the beautiful sunset and sunrise, working together (Jon, Aaron and I taking turns navigating, steering, feeding each other soup and hot tea and sharing the two pairs of gloves and hats) and spotting a pod of dolphins

Got in Chanel of Cape May about 9am and tried to anchor near the coast guard station....I say tried because being so tired from night before, a crowded anchorage, and a "pudding-like" bottom was just too much.  Not to say we gave up too early, I mean two and a half hours are enough trying.  So we finically called a marina and here we are at South Jersey Marina.  Enjoying the good life. 

Ps. We ll probably try again to anchor as we won't be leaving Cape May until the 23rd. Wish us luck. I'll keep you posted...


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    1. How are you doing heading south? Any chance you will be in Annapolis for the sailboat show?
